Imagine this, if you will, you and thirteen other contestants have been chosen to take part in a week-long game of 'Hide and Seek' in an abandoned amusement park ala Mr. Beast-style. Each day there are two participants that are taken out, the game is active from Dawn until Dusk, and every night you sleep alongside your fellow contestants forging alliances and creating rivalries. The sole winner earns $50,000, AND the game might even become televised so you have the potential to be an internet celeb just by playing.
Obviously you'd accept and play the game in White's Hide, right?
But what if you learned that as you played, you never saw the contestants that were found, they were just "sent home"? Or what if you start hearing some weird noises as the Seekers are looking, like this terrifying laughter or blood-curdling shrieks of terror? And honestly, has anyone here even seen who the Seekers are or what they look like? Also, does anyone even know why there's guard towers posted along the fence, which are electrified; to make it seem not like they're keeping people out, but trying to keep something IN?
It's still just a game in end, right?
I, personally, couldn't put the book down after I picked it up. I'd give the book 5 out of 5 stars and would highly anyone who's interested in horror combined with the anxiety that comes from a good game of Hide and Seek.