Grow with Us


Wheaton Public Library has established an endowment fund in partnership with DuPage Foundation, a Downers Grove-based 501(c)(3) public charity.  Through this partnership, individuals can make contributions and bequests to Wheaton Public Library's main fund or Youth fund.  DuPage Foundation can also help facilitate gifts of retirement assets, marketable and closely-held securities and other appreciated property.

To learn more, call the Library's Business Office at 630-868-7590 or email

All donations made to the Library’s endowment fund are tax-deductible.

The Giving Tree

Located on the main floor, the Giving Tree is a beautiful, permanent art installation that features the names of individuals, organizations, and businesses who have donated $500 or more to the Library. Inclusion is cumulative, so donors may advance from one category to another over the years as they continue to donate.

Contributions are added to a permanent fund for the Library that will grow and help meet its needs today and into the future.

Donor Levels

Gold Butterfly - $10,000

Copper Butterfly - $5,000

Silver Butterfly - $1,000

Silver Leaf - $500

Donor Listing - $100

The Butterfly Wall

Located on the lower level, the Butterfly Wall was established to give individuals and families the opportunity to make contributions to the Wheaton Public Library's permanent endowment fund.

The butterfly wings are filled with colorful circles that can be personalized to recognize a family, teacher, child or loved one.

Monies donated to the Butterfly Wall will help to further grow and beautify the Library's youth spaces.

Donor Levels

Orange - $2,500

Yellow - $1,500

Green - $750

Purple - $500

Pink or Blue - $250