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Eve Dallas Mystery Series, by J D Robb

Most mystery readers love a good series. It’s fun to get to know a character, while secure in the knowledge that there will be more adventures after you’ve turned the last page. Few series, however, have as many titles to enjoy as J.D. Robb’s Eve Dallas Mysteries. At this point, the series has a whopping 49 titles, more than enough to keep even the fastest reader busy for at least a few months.

The series is set in the future, the year 2058, and features smart, tough cop Eve Dallas. The first title, Naked in Death, introduces Eve and the mysterious Roarke. Lieutenant Dallas is assigned the lead on the brutal murder of Sharon DeBlass, granddaughter to a high-ranking politician. While all signs initially point to Roarke, Dallas uses her skills and the skills of the brilliant officers and profilers around her to dig deep enough to find the real killer.

The books are a quick read, and enjoyable from start to finish. The added element of a futuristic setting adds an extra layer to an already enjoyable series. The series in order can be found here:

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Dana T