Wheaton Public Library 225 N. Cross St. Wheaton, IL 60187 United States
Birth-23 months old with caregivers
Here's a chance for babies and their grown-ups to hang out and get to know each other. We'll have some toys and books available to use while you meet other families in the area.
The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.
This program is intended for children and caregivers to participate together; drop offs are not allowed.
In the course of daily operations, the library may take photographs within public areas of the library. Written permission is not needed for Library staff to take photographs of groups or crowds including children in the library building or during library sponsored events.
Homeschool Families
Get to know some other homeschool families in the area while playing games, trying out hands-on activities, and more!
This is a drop-in event. Feel free to stop by between 1pm and 3pm to participate.
Children with caregivers
Let's do Lego! Use the library's Lego collection to build whatever you'd like! We'll have some building prompts and activities but let your imagination be your guide.
Through practical exercises and personalized feedback, attendees will gain confidence in writing persuasive cover letters that stand out to potential employers.
Local businesses coming together monthly to find out what it is they do and what do they need from one another. Wheaton Public Library provides the space and most importantly the coffee and donuts.
Earn volunteer hours and help create book displays, programs, activities and more!
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, indulge in the rich, luxurious world of chocolate.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email and reminders containing information about joining the Zoom program. If you need assistance, please email us.
Information about joining the Zoom webinar or meeting
The library's patron conduct policy applies to virtual library programs. Library staff has the right to remove participants from virtual programs who are in violation of the patron conduct policy.
Unlock the secrets to re-entering the workforce confidently in our one-hour workshop. Overcome barriers, develop networking skills, and gain the confidence needed for a successful return to work after retirement or semi-retirement.
2-3 years old with caregivers
Here's a chance for toddlers and their grown-ups to hang out and get to know each other. We'll have some toys and books available to use while you meet other families in the area.
Toggle the date picker: Feb 2025 February 2025