The library is closed on Sunday, May 12

Burns and Allen: Muddling Through by George Burns

Burns and Allen, a radio program from the golden age of radio, were vaudeville acts performed by George Burns and Gracie Allen, his wife.  Gracie is the not-so-smart but charming wife who gets George into trouble, i.e. signing George up to be the first man to go to the moon because George feels like no one notices that it's his birthday and he laments the fact he's not famous.  Tucked in there are these little gems: an announcer asks the listeners to convert any usable space -including garages- into  bedrooms because the soldiers returning from WWII are having a hard time finding places to live.  A commercial for Jell-O asks shoppers to be patient and keep looking for the product which will become more available as the sugar rationing comes to an end.  Another surprise is the voice of Mel Blanc, as the postman, who will go on do the myriad voices of the Warner Brothers Looney Tunes.  One can hear Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny tucked away in there.

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