The library is closed Friday, February 21 for Staff Training

Public Photography and Filming Policy


The Wheaton Public Library (WPL) will, during regular business hours only, accommodate requests for photography or filming provided such photography or filming does not interfere with routine or ordinary Library operations, including patrons’ rights to privacy and their ability to use library space for traditional library purposes such as non-distracted reading, study, research, quiet time, writing and library-organized or authorized seminars and book discussions.  To reduce distractions, protect the rights of Library patrons and staff, and promote safety, photographing and filming in the Library are restricted as set forth in this policy. 

Photography and video or audio recording is generally permitted if it is for: general Library promotion by the Library; student projects; education; or personal use.  Visitors may take casual photographs or video recordings in the Library. A video recording may only include audio recording of private patrons, with their written permission.   The use of additional equipment, such as tripods or lighting are not permitted because of safety, liability, and other issues, unless approved by the Library Director. All photography and video or audio recording in the library shall be conducted in a manner that is visible to other patrons, and not done surreptitiously, to enable patrons to exercise informed consent with regard to exercising their rights to be or not to be photographed or videoed.     

 No commercial photography or filming may occur in the Library without the written approval of the Library Director, or her designee.  Commercial photography requests and filming requests shall be submitted in writing for approval by the Library Director at least 5 business    days prior to engaging in such commercial photography or filming at the Library. 

In furtherance of this policy, the Library Director is authorized to act accordingly, including limiting or prohibiting photography, filming, and audio recording by persons whose activities interfere with Library environment or operations, adversely affect public safety or cause public disturbances.

For purposes of this policy, photography or filming refers to all current and future static, still or video imaging.



Under no circumstances may the public or members of the media take photographs, video recordings, or live stream without the express permission of any Library patrons or staff who would be prominently included within the composition. Capturing identifiable likeness of individuals or their computer screens, books, documents, or other materials and registration and circulation records, is not permitted without their written consent.  If any person to be photographed or filmed is under 18 years of age, written permission shall be obtained by the photographer or videographer from a parent or adult guardian on behalf of said minor child.  Individuals who photograph or film inside the Library shall honor requests from patrons and staff who do not want to be included in photos or recordings.

If the photography or filming requires a significant amount of time and/or equipment setup, the Library Director should be contacted at least 7 days prior to photographing or filming so that proper accommodations can be made.  All photography and recording must be carried out so as not to disturb Library users or staff; shall not block aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors or exits; and shall not move or relocate library property or the property of visiting patrons. Patrons shall not be required to relocate or move to accommodate photography or video or audio recording.     

Photography, filming, and audio recording are prohibited in restrooms, as well as in non-public areas (staff only areas); unless written consent to do so is given by the Library Director.  Library access by photographers may also be limited by the Library Director through the imposition of time constraints or, specific areas restrictions, depending upon the impacts such sessions could have on other Library users or library staff.

In all instances, the Library reserves the right to cease photography or filming if it results in disruption of the ordinary Library environment or operations.

The Library accepts no liability for the use of photos, film, or recordings resulting from this activity. The City of Wheaton retains all rights to any City of Wheaton property, writings, symbols or marks at the Library that may be protected under statutory or common law copyright or trademark laws and this policy shall not be interpreted to authorize their use by others.       



Those not following this policy may be asked to put away their equipment or leave the Library.



Any person or group using the Library for photography or video or audio recording, shall be held responsible for negligent, willful, or accidental damage to the Library building, grounds, collections or furniture caused by such person or group.



The Library Board of Trustees of WPL will review the Photography and Filming Policy and regulations periodically and reserves the right to amend them at any time. The Board authorizes the Library Director to waive regulations under appropriate circumstances. The Library Director is the chief person empowered to make decisions during daily operations, regarding photography and filming within the Library.

Any appeals for changes to, or exceptions to, any portion of the Photography and Filming Policy will be considered. An individual wishing to file an appeal shall submit it to the Library Director in writing. The Library Director will respond in writing.


Wheaton Public Library

Official Policy 10/21/2019

Amended 12/19/2022

Policy Type
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