The library is closed Friday, February 21 for Staff Training

Computer Use Policy



Computers and wireless access (WiFi) are offered to the public in support of the Library’s public service mission, which is to connect the community to literacy, information, ideas and new experiences. Wheaton Public Library (WPL) provides access to catalogs, databases, software, learning games and the Internet to all patrons.

Resources Available via the Internet and Other Electronic Information Networks

WPL urges patrons to be informed consumers and carefully evaluate information obtained through the Internet. Library staff members may be available to assist in making judgments about the reliability or currency of certain types of resources, but are unable to provide definitive analysis of particular sources due to the extremely large variety and volume of information available via the Internet. Formal instruction in particular aspects of Internet use may be available.

Responsibility of Patrons using WPL Computers and WiFi

  • WPL cannot assure privacy or system security and is not responsible for damages, indirect or direct, arising from a library patron’s use of the Internet or WiFi.
  • Patrons are urged to respect the sensibilities of others when accessing information that may reasonably be offensive to someone else. Viewing of material which may be disturbing or offensive to others within viewing distance is prohibited.
  • Absolute privacy in accessing and using the Internet in the library cannot be guaranteed. There exists a possibility of inadvertent viewing by others.
  • The Patron Conduct Policy applies to the behavior of patrons using the library’s Internet computers and/or WiFi.
  • Determining the accuracy of information found on the Internet is the responsibility of the patron.
  • Parents or legal guardians, not WPL staff, are solely responsible for deciding which Internet resources are appropriate for their children. Parents should caution their children which personal facts are not to be shared on the Internet.


Privacy of User Information

WPL avoids collecting or maintaining records that could compromise the privacy of users. Nevertheless, users must also exercise caution when using the Internet to avoid unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information. Nothing is saved on the public access computers. All information is erased when the user ends their session and the computer is restarted.

WPL’s WiFi provides no security between access points and electronic devices. Someone in the Library vicinity, inside or outside, can potentially capture information sent to or from a device.

WPL cautions WiFi users against transmitting credit card information, passwords and any other sensitive personal information while using the library’s WiFi. All wireless users should have up-to-date virus protection on their wireless devices and take appropriate precautions when using this service.

Unacceptable Use

WPL requires that Library patrons using computers and/or WiFi do so within the guidelines of acceptable use. The following activities are unacceptable:

  • Use of the Internet for any purpose which results in the harassment of other users and staff members;
  • Destruction of, damage to, or unauthorized alteration of the Library’s computer equipment software, network security procedures, or any activities which interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment;
  • Use of the Internet in any way which violates a Federal, State, or local law;
  • Use which violates licensing and payment agreements between WPL and network or database providers;
  • Unauthorized duplication of copy protected software or violation of software license agreements;
  • Violation of any copyright laws;
  • Violation of system security;
  • Behaving in a manner which is disruptive to other users, including, but not limited to overuse of computer equipment or bandwidth which serves to deny access to other users.
  • Knowingly accessing, with intent to view, any material that contains pornography.


Illegal acts involving library computer resources will be reported to the police and may be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.


WPL filters all of the public access computers, including Internet access on personal devices using the Library’s WiFi.

The filtering blocks sites that promote:

  • Violence, Hate and Racism
  • Pornography
  • Hacking and Proxy Avoidance Systems
  • Malware


Filtering software cannot guarantee that sites on the Internet having legitimate research or other value will not be blocked. Anyone 18 or older who wishes to view a blocked site may request that the site be made available. The site will be reviewed within 48 hours of the

request and if it does not fall under one of the categories listed above it will be added to a list of allowed sites.


Internet Computer users are limited to three hours of computer time per day. Users may extend their time by half-hour increments if no one is waiting. Reservations may be made in the library up to one week in advance. Users are expected to know computer basics, including the use of a mouse. MS Office software is also available on the Internet Computers.

Logging In

  • WPL cardholders: log in with library barcode number and PIN.
  • Library cardholders from another Illinois library: register card at the Ask Me desk and create a PIN. Once registered, log in with their library card number and PIN.
  • Guest Passes: available at the Tech Center Desk. Same day use only.
  • Internet Use Only cards: available to regular users with an ID. Once registered, log in with ID number and PIN. Internet Use Only cards expire after one year.



The cost of printing is 10¢ per page for a black and white print and 25¢ per page for a color print. WPL is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when printing.


Computer users should bring personal storage devices to save files. USB drives are available for purchase. WPL is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when saving documents or for storage devices left behind by computer users.

Wheaton Public Library Official Policy 4/21/2014 Board Amended: 6/16/2014 Board Amended: 11/19/2018; Amended 8/17/2021

Policy Document
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