Looking for a summer or part time job? Register for our Job Fair in a Bag and receive information about local job opportunities for teens as well as resources for completing the application and interview tips.
Wheaton Public Library is hosting People’s Resource Center’s 8th Annual Career Fair. Job seekers will have the opportunity to talk to employers from a variety of companies in DuPage County.
Photo Permission
In the course of daily operations, the library may take photographs within public areas of the library. Written permission is not needed for Library staff to take photographs of groups or crowds including children in the library building or during library sponsored events.
Grades K-2
Come play some group games with us! Each month, we'll try something new.
The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.
Photo Permission
In the course of daily operations, the library may take photographs within public areas of the library. Written permission is not needed for Library staff to take photographs of groups or crowds including children in the library building or during library sponsored events.
A representative from the DuPage County Genealogical Society is available in the Genealogy area to answer questions.